Media Opportunities! Act Quickly!

Hi all,

Here are a few media opportunities that I spotted that I wanted to share with you. Please reach out to the media contact directly by their deadline, or contact me at should you wish that I pitch you on your behalf. Best of luck!

Name: Lauren Fusilier


Media Outlet: The Daily Meal

Deadline: 12:00 PM EST – 19 October

Query: Are there any types of food that can worsen our mood? What kind of chemicals or ingredients might cause grouchiness and why?

Requirements: Nutritionists, dietitians

Name: Jessica Padykula

Email: Media Outlet: Deadline: 8:00 AM EST – 21 October Query: I’m putting together a roundup of metabolism myths for Slice, which will be produced as a gallery of about 20 slides. I’m looking for input from health, fitness and nutrition experts on some of the biggest myths about metabolism for inclusion in the gallery. These can be common misconceptions, as well as things that might be more surprising to readers.

Name: Matthew Kadey

Email: Media Outlet: Men’s Health Magazine Deadline: 9:00 AM EST – 21 October Query: I’m writing an article for Men’s Health magazine about batch cooking and would like to include a sidebar about how to properly reheat leftovers such as stews, frittata, cooked meats etc. I am looking for an expert to provide some science/technique tips on how to properly reheat leftovers so you don’t ruin their flavor and texture.